Research Article

[Retracted] The Identification and Clinical Value Evaluation of CYCS Related to Asthma through Bioinformatics Analysis and Functional Experiments

Figure 3

Screening of candidate key genes, expression level analysis, and ROC diagnostic value analysis. (a) PPI network graph of genes in brown modules, including 40 nodes and 45 edges. (b) Degree ranking of genes by Cytohubba software. (c) PPI network of the 10 genes with the highest height values. (d) KEGG enrichment analysis of the top 10 genes. (e) Expression levels of 10 genes, listed by ANXA8, ATF4, CD44, CYCS, DDIT3, FKBP5, LDHA, PMAIP1, S100A2, and SFN. (f) ROC analysis on the top 10 genes. The abscissa is 1-specificity (FPR), and the ordinate is sensitivity (TPR). The closer the curve is to the upper left corner, the higher the prediction accuracy. , , and .