Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine / 2013 / Article / Tab 5 / Research Article
Evaluation of a Seven-Week Web-Based Happiness Training to Improve Psychological Well-Being, Reduce Stress, and Enhance Mindfulness and Flourishing: A Randomized Controlled Occupational Health Study Table 5 Results of saliva samples.
Within-group (IG)
1 M SD M SD Mann-Whitney
Alpha-Amylase (U/mL) Awakening response IG CG 7.18 4.97 28.04 21.58 −12.41 17.77 55.37 47.22 112 0.073 0.60 −1.11 0.267 0.46 Morning activity IG CG 35.67 33.35 22.79 19.56 59.95 78.74 36.03 117.96 161 0.761 0.22 −3.11 0.002* 0.83 Evening activity IG CG 109.87 121.62 90.46 82.88 114.45 126.89 92.94 74.24 145 0.429 0.15 −0.63 0.528 0.05 Circadian rhythm amplitude IG CG −74.30 −88.27 81.15 83.36 −54.49 −48.16 79.48 109.03 160 0.738 0.07 −1.20 0.231 0.25 Raw data Directly after awakening IG CG 32.08 30.86 20.55 20.12 66.16 69.85 47.41 107.72 30 minutes after awakening IG CG 39.27 35.83 31.78 24.36 53.75 87.62 43.38 131.68 At 8 pm IG CG 109.87 121.62 90.46 82.88 114.45 126.89 9294 74.24 Cortisol (nmol/L) Awakening response IG CG 7.48 4.32 10.68 11.23 6.82 4.47 11.59 13.27 126 0.171 0.19 −0.24 0.811 0.06 Morning activity IG CG 31.47 30.95 9.65 15.60 29.37 31.05 10.01 11.19 157.5 0.682 0.16 −0.85 0.396 0.22 Evening activity IG CG 2.67 3.51 1.84 3.82 5.95 4.56 13.11 7.59 147 0.466 0.13 −0.00 1.000 0.36 Circadian rhythm amplitude IG CG 28.79 27.43 9.60 15.77 23.42 26.49 16.43 13.30 155 0.627 0.21 −1.11 0.267 0.41 Raw data Directly after awakening IG CG 27.73 28.79 7.79 16.54 25.96 28.82 11.68 13.19 30 minutes after awakening IG CG 35.21 33.11 13.52 16.62 32.78 33.29 11.45 12.83 At 8 pm IG CG 2.67 3.51 1.84 3.82 5.95 4.56 13.11 7.59