Research Article

Evaluating the Content Validity of Grade 10 Mathematics Model Examinations in Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia

Table 3

Major topics and number of exercises in each major topic of grades 9 and 10 textbooks.

Major topicsGradeNo. of exercises%

(1) The real number system8008013
(2) Equations and inequalities43277011.38
(3) Measurement1344579.27
(4) Polynomial function056569.11
(5) Statistical data and probability460467.48
(6) Further on set theory410416.67
(7) Relations and functions370376.02
(8) Regular polygons2310335.37
(9) Circles819274.39
(10) Equation of a line, parallel and perpendicular lines026264.23
(11) Further on congruency and similarity220223.58
(12) Basic trigonometric functions812203.25
(13) Theorems on triangles and special quadrilaterals019193.09
(14) Exponents and logarithms017172.76
(15) Vector in two dimensions150152.44
(16) Graph of exponential and logarithmic functions013132.11
(17) Distance and section formulas012121.95
(18) Equations and applications of exponents and logarithms011111.79
(19) Identities and real-life problems of trigonometry0771.13
(20) The reciprocal trigonometric functions0660.98