Research Article

Evaluating the Content Validity of Grade 10 Mathematics Model Examinations in Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia

Table 6

The categorization of tests items into the syllabus contents average across judges.

Major topicsTotal observed test items average across judges%

(1) Equations and inequalities56.2716.07
(2) Equations and applications of exponents and logarithms31.398.97
(3) Relations and functions29.018.29
(4) The real number system26.387.54
(5) Polynomial function236.57
(6) Basic trigonometric functions19.755.64
(7) Further on set theory195.43
(8) Equation of a line, parallel and perpendicular lines18.635.32
(9) Statistical data and probability174.86
(10) Measurement16.384.68
(11) Exponents and logarithms15.54.43
(12) Regular polygons133.71
(13) Further on congruency and similarity12.633.61
(14) Circles102.86
(15) Theorems on triangles and special quadrilaterals8.012.29
(16) Identities and real-life problems trigonometry7.252.07
(17) Vector in two dimensions72
(18) Graph of exponential and logarithmic functions72
(19) The reciprocal trigonometric functions6.881.97
(20) Distance and section formulas61.71