Research Article

Evaluating the Content Validity of Grade 10 Mathematics Model Examinations in Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia

Table 7

The number of observed and expected tests items that determined from the contents of the syllabus by judges.

Content areasObserved period allottedExpected period allottedObserved test items average across judgesExpected test items average across judgesTotal

(1) The real number system198190.5826.3833.80224.38
(2) Equations and inequalities252261.8356.2746.44308.27
(3) Further on set theory9092.581916.42109
(4) Relations and functions132136.7629.0124.25161.01
(5) Regular polygons6062131173
(6) Further on congruency and similarity7876.9812.6313.6590.63
(7) Circles6664.551011.4576
(8) Statistical data and probability162152.041726.96179
(9) Vector in two dimensions7267.10711.9079
(10) Polynomial function120121.462321.54143
(11) Exponents and logarithms3643.7415.57.7651.50
(12) Graph of exponential and logarithmic functions666271173
(13) Equations and applications of exponents and logarithms7892.9131.3916.48109.39
(14) Distance and section formulas2425.4864.5230
(15) Equation of a line, parallel and perpendicular lines6671.8818.6312.7584.63
(16) Basic trigonometric functions132128.8919.7522.86151.75
(17) The reciprocal trigonometric functions4241.526.887.3648.88
(18) Simple trigonometric identities and real-life application problems4846.937.258.3255.25
(19) Theorems on triangles and special quadrilaterals6662.868.0111.1574.01
(20) Measurement186171.9016.3830.48202.38