
This study aims to establish a reading learning evaluation model based on local wisdom. This type of research is development research that refers to the ADDIE (analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) development model. The study subjects were conducted at two junior high schools with 65 students and 4 Indonesian teachers. The data collection techniques used in this study are tests, interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The results obtained through the preliminary research show that there is no evaluation model for reading learning and the materials used are still based on Indonesian books. Based on preliminary research, a real evaluation model of reading learning based on local wisdom is established. The feasibility of the assessment guide is assessed through materials/content, language, and presentation. Validation results from materials and learning experts included 88% for content feasibility, 87% for language, and 85% for presentation. Meanwhile, linguists’ evaluations of products included 88% in content feasibility, 85% in language, and 86% in expressiveness; while media experts include the image/graphic aspect by 85%, the language aspect by 86%, and the display aspect by 85%. The results of the analysis of teacher response data amounted to 84% with a positive category and student response of 80.70%. From this, it can be concluded that it is very feasible to develop a product based on the real evaluation model of reading learning based on local wisdom. The implication of the application of authentic assessment to student learning outcomes, in general, is a change in behavior for the better, students become more active and creative in the teaching and learning process.

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

Authentic assessments are developed in this study because they have many advantages over conventional assessments. Conventional assessment only emphasizes the competence of the student’s knowledge as a learning outcome which is generally only through a writing test, but authentic assessment is not. Authentic assessment allows direct assessment of student performance as an indicator of competency achievement contained in learning. Authentic assessment requires students to work in situations that are concrete and at the same time meaningful [1]. According to Mueller [2], authentic assessment is “a form of assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills.” Thus, authentic assessment is a task that requires learners to demonstrate performance in the real-world meaningfully, which is the application of the essence of knowledge and skills. In line with the above opinion, Barnawi [3], Shojaei et al. [4], and Sutarto et al. [5] also associate authentic judgment with real judgment. Thus, authentic assessment requires students to show learning outcomes in the form of abilities in real life, not something made up or only obtained in the classroom but also known in everyday life.

In the learning process, authentic assessment can measure, monitor, and assess all aspects of learning outcomes (which are covered in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains) both as the result of a learning process, as well as in the form of changes and development of activities, and learning acquisition during the learning process in the classroom and outside the classroom [69]. This is in line with the opinion of Nurgiyantoro [10] who states that authentic assessments attach importance to the assessment of the process and the assessment of results at once. Thus, the entire appearance of students in the series of learning activities can be assessed objectively, as is, and not solely based on the final result. Furthermore, Muslich [11] also argues that the characteristics of authentic assessment in practice are inseparable from classroom learning, a reflection of the real world, using many measures/methods/criteria, and are comprehensive and holistic, involving various domains (knowledge, skills, and attitudes).

Authentic assessment is an assessment that reflects and measures a student’s performance in real-life situations and tasks. In this authentic assessment, try to challenge students to apply new academic information and skills in real situations for a specific purpose. Students are the main targets in the learning process because students not only gain rote and understand skills, but application, analysis, and synthesis are also needed in solving problems in learning [1214].

This authentic assessment turns out that not much is applied appropriately in learning. The Ministry of Education (Assessment Guidance, 2015) explained the results of monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum at the junior level in 2014 showed that one of the difficulties of teachers in implementing the 2013 Curriculum was the implementation of assessments. More than 50% of teacher respondents stated that they have not designed, implemented, and processed the assessments properly.

The picture is still not that the maximal implementation of learning assessments in schools is still the dominant type of assessment tool used such as writing tests [1517]. The writing test itself is no problem as long as it is measured cognitive ability or knowledge. However, not everything students learn is cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Especially in language learning, of course, measuring until the cognitive realm is not complete [18].

Another phenomenon shows from the results of the teacher’s interviews obtained information that the application of authentic assessments in schools indirectly has applied authentic assessments, but there is no authentic evidence of the assessment. The thing that causes teachers to have no authentic evidence of assessments is that teachers claim to be complicated if they have to design authentic assessment instruments in a complex manner. Teachers recognize that authentic assessment will take a lot of time and energy. In line with the results of the teacher’s interviews, one of the obstacles encountered was the readiness of educators in terms of competence to develop instruments, formats, and technical authentic assessments [1921].

The above facts show that applying authentic assessment is an important issue to research. Teachers’ assessments are still focused on assessing language systems instead of students’ language skills. Language is a skill. In learning a language, the main goal is for the child to be skilled in communicating with the language. Therefore, the learning and assessment process should still boil down to the purpose of learning, namely, to communicate in a learning atmosphere that values students as individuals [22, 23].

One of the goals of learning Indonesian in high school is that students can communicate well through four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing [24]. The 21st-century competencies that students must master to play an active role are characterized by the possession of four skills or multiliterate abilities. The four skills are high comprehension reading skills, good writing skills to build and express meaning, speaking in an accountable manner, and skills to master various digital media and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) [2527].

In line with the above opinion, one of the main competencies that must be mastered to form multiliterate skills is reading high comprehension. This is in line with the essence of reading ability, which is one of the right ways to increase science mastery [28]. Furthermore, this ability is closely related to the ability to absorb information from various sources so that someone who can read can precisely understand the information and lead to the development of scientific treasures that he has. This is supported by Abbas [29] who states that one of the government’s strategies in strengthening the Indonesian as a reflection of the character of the nation is to improve the quality of education and language teaching through reading interests.

Reading comprehension is an important skill. In Indonesian schools, local reading passages play a very important role in developing students' ability to read. This is in line with the fact that the 2013 Curriculum places authentic assessment as the primary assessment used during the learning process. However, the authentic assessment offered by the Ministry of Education through the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum is still not specifically intended to measure the reading process. Much-developed assessments still focus more on speaking performance assessments and writing product assessments. This condition indicates that it is as if the reading assessment is only enough to use an assessment of learning outcomes using a writing test. In comparison, reading learning can also be done through process assessment, performance assessment, and product assessment. Precisely through such assessment, the ability of students to read and what difficulties students experience when reading will be known [30].

Based on preliminary studies conducted through the assessment of reading skills in two junior high schools, it is known that junior high school students still have the low reading ability, which is still below the minimum standards that each school has set. Furthermore, based on the results of teacher interviews of Indonesian subjects, it is also known that during the learning process, students still do not show good reading habits as long as they understand the content of the reading. On average, the students only read the questions asked by the teacher and then look for answers in the reading repeatedly until they can complete all the reading questions [3135].

Based on the results of limited interviews with the students, it is known that most students feel that reading comprehension learning is a less interesting learning because it is done with the same learning patterns and strategies at each time of learning. This condition shows that the teachers’ ability to learn reading comprehension is still low. Some of these weaknesses include (1) teachers have not created the stages of learning following the stages of reading learning models/strategies, (2) student activities in understanding reading have not been developed optimally, and (3) the diversity of postback tasks still does not appear to be assigned teachers to students. Furthermore, based on the results of initial observations, it is known that most teachers do not understand the concept of authentic reading and assessment activities that can be used to measure such activities [36, 37].

The purpose of education is not only to educate humans but also expected to form a cultured human being [38, 39]. The scope of education is certainly not limited to being a space to solely obtain knowledge for students, but it is also expected to form students to have a caring attitude towards the sustainability of culture. So, the school has an important role in the process of cultural preservation.

Learning Indonesian in the 2013 Curriculum applied in junior high schools is now emphasized in text-based materials. Learning texts taught to class VII students are description text, narrative text (fantasy story), procedure text, observation text, and fable text. Researchers focused on learning to read narrative text (fantasy stories). The basic concept of the narrative text can be contained in the local wisdom of a narrative text. The use of local wisdom as a source of learning can help maintain the existence of regional cultures amid globalization today. According to Mróz et al. [40], education is an important element in raising the awareness of learners understanding of culture. Cultural values can be used as the material to grow the character of students.

Many students tend to be less interested in tradition because they consider it outdated, ancient, and old-fashioned. Observing the result through interviews of several teachers and students in junior high schools in Herlang District of Bulukumba Regency showed that in the process of teaching and learning in narrative text material, teachers never discussed or raised topics about local traditions or wisdom in the South Sulawesi area, especially Bulukumba Regency. Teachers only teach those in textbooks, but Indonesian books found in schools generally raise topics about the culture of other regions. Therefore, the Indonesian government has been trying to preserve culture since 1995 by including into the curriculum “local content” in elementary and junior high schools but, ethnic language learning today still faces problems of incompetence in cultural-related learning materials and the unavailability of competent teachers [4144].

Based on the above conditions, in this study, researchers felt the need to develop an authentic assessment model for learning to read the understanding narrative texts that contain elements of local wisdom of the Bulukumba community. Adding local wisdom to learning means lifting local values in student understanding, and enhancing students’ insights by maintaining the noble value of regional culture.

1.2. Research Objectives

The purpose of this study is to develop authentic assessments in reading comprehension learning based on local wisdom.

1.3. Research Benefits

The benefits of this study can be seen in the description below.

1.3.1. Theoretical Benefits

This research is expected to be useful as a reference for the development of authentic assessment models in Indonesian lessons, especially in learning to read comprehension based on local wisdom. This research is expected to be a treasure of an assessment model that can improve students’ ability to understand the values of local wisdom contained in the text.

1.3.2. Practical Benefits

In addition to providing theoretical benefits, this research can also provide practical benefits. For students, this research is expected to be useful for improving language skills while understanding and preserving the values of local wisdom. For teachers, this research is expected to be useful as a guide for the implementation of authentic assessment in learning as required by the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) and the 2013 Curriculum. For schools, this research is expected to add to the library treasures in schools so that it can help the academic community who want to add and develop knowledge about authentic assessment models and values contained in local wisdom. For policymakers, this research is expected to be useful in terms of producing guidelines for the implementation of authentic assessments to improve the quality of learning. For scientific development, this research is expected to be useful in terms of developing scientific concepts about authentic assessment, especially in the field of learning Indonesian to improve students’ language skills [45, 46].

2.1. Research Finding

The research studies have some similarity and unsimilarity with the present research conducted by the researcher. The similarity of research is also using authentic assessment models to measure the student’s achievement in the Indonesian language classroom, and some of them analyze student’s characteristics, the development, and achievement of learning through various techniques. Meanwhile, the unsimilarity of this research is all the researchers did not conduct the assessment with local wisdom.

2.2. Concept of Authentic Assessment

Authentic assessment is an assessment in the form of a process of collecting various data that can provide an overview of student learning development. The implementation of learning details what changes are obtained after learning, the development of the knowledge learned, and the achievement of the learning process. One of the ways that are done to be able to control quality in education is to conduct periodic and continuous evaluations. According to Yang and Fu [47], the evaluation system is an important component in learning and the learning environment is an external factor to find out learning outcomes. Evaluations in learning are important to be carried out by educators but must be carried out with full calculation because they have an impact on the mentality of students and the learning programs implemented [4850].

In line with the above opinion, Paisal and Yen [51] stated that assessment is an integral part of the learning process, so the assessment model used must be in accordance with the learning approach used in teaching in the classroom. The assessment model used to test the achievement of learning objectives must be in line with the learning process that has been carried out. Furthermore, Suhardi [52] explained that assessing student learning outcomes by taking into account all interests, potentials, and achievements and comprehensive.

According to Apriyani et al. [53], authentic assessment assesses the knowledge and skills gained by students. The characteristics of the assessment activities can be used formatively or summatively or carried out during and after the learning process takes place, which is measured skills and performance, are continuous, integrated, and can be used as feedback. Furthermore, Widana et al. [54] suggest that authentic assessment collects information by the teacher about the development and achievement of learning through various techniques that can reveal, prove, or demonstrate precisely that the learning objectives have been truly mastered and achieved.

In addition, Sutadji et al. [55] suggest that authentic assessment allows the instructor to assess higher-order thinking, unlike traditional assessments which focus on memory facts and other surface knowledge. By making authentic assessments, instructors can measure the learning process, learning progress, and learning products. So, authentic assessment is a process of collecting, reporting, and using information about student learning outcomes by applying the principles of assessment, continuous implementation, and authentic, accurate, and consistent evidence as public accountability.

2.3. Concept of Local Wisdom

Etymologically, local wisdom consists of two words, namely, wisdom and local. According to the linguistic sense, local wisdom is the result of local ideas that have wisdom and value, are rich in wisdom, and are obeyed by residents in the local community; whereas in anthropology, local wisdom is known as a part of local intelligence (local genius) or local knowledge (local knowledge) which is the basic identity of culture (cultural identity).

Mufaridah et al. [56] suggest that relevant education must respect and develop local virtues, the values obtained in a society can be a guide in designing character education. Local wisdom is so attached to the characteristics that exist in an area. The potential possessed by an area that can be utilized and processed into a very valuable good or service to increase the regional income that has uniqueness and advantages that can compete with other regions is referred to as local wisdom. Culture-based learning is a learning approach model that prioritizes student activities with various cultural backgrounds [57].

Schools have a strategic role in internalizing the knowledge, values, and skills of students to have full awareness of the importance of harmony in nation and state. According to Rofiki [58], the optimization of this role can be done by integrating the value of local wisdom into the learning material. To introduce this local wisdom, teachers need to include material that uses local wisdom in the learning process, so that students can maintain regional knowledge in facing the development and progress of education to the cultural characteristics of the surrounding regions.

Learning based on local wisdom is also a part of the first step to improving life skills by utilizing the potential in the community environment. Learning based on local wisdom should be packaged by adjusting to the environmental, potential, and psychic conditions of the students, as well as paying attention to cultural constraints as well as environmental sociological. Eyford [59] states that before students start studying in formal education, they first learn in an environment shaped by local culture. Therefore, integrating culture into learning will make it easier for students to understand the concepts of learning materials. According to Murti and Sunarti [60], cultural integration in learning can be done by integrating local wisdom into assessment instruments. The integrated test instrument of local wisdom can connect the material with local wisdom to allow students to more easily understand the application of the concept of reading in everyday life.

Learning objectives that are oriented toward local wisdom are education that has cultural values that cannot be separated from character education [53]. Character education is a joint and deliberate movement to create a morally friendly educational ecosystem. The importance of local wisdom-based learning concludes that the learning process based on local wisdom is the first step in introducing students to concrete learning. It is hoped that students can directly get to know the state of the environment so that students can easily solve problems in their environment. The driving force of learning based on local wisdom is in line with the objectives of local wisdom-based learning, namely solving problems in the environment so the ability to think critically in students is needed.

2.4. Concept of Reading

Talwiasih [61] suggests that reading is an activity or cognitive process that seeks to find various information contained in writing. Furthermore, Saddhono and Slamet [62] states that reading is a type of written language ability, which is receptive. It is called receptive because, by reading, one will be able to obtain scientific information and new experiences. Everything gained through that reading will allow the person to be able to heighten his thinking power, sharpen his views, and broaden his horizons [63].

Reading is the activity of understanding, interpreting, remembering, and rewriting it based on the analysis of one’s own thoughts. Through reading activities, much information is obtained that in certain circumstances it can influence attitudes and views on life behavior [64]. Then, Martika and Zaim [65] believe that reading is an important activity in every part of daily life. Students may enhance their ability to learn through reading. The reading activity provides facts, and increases the mindset of the reader and awareness of culture and language. Reading is also a student-influencing practice. This idea is supported by the fact that students can find any written material in many situations. The level of understanding of reading ability is seen from the ability to read according to spelling, understanding the meaning and meaning of reading, intonation that is appropriate, and the ability to express words according to situations and conditions [63].

3. Methods

3.1. Research Design

This study adopts the ADDIE development model. The development model consists of five stages, namely analyze (analysis), design (development), implement (implementation), and evaluate (evaluation) [66]. Based on the ADDIE model, the development steps are as follows: (1) the analysis stage is carried out for the collection of preliminary data on need analysis, (2) planning consists of determining the form of assessment, the material to be applied, indicators, and designing the test grid, (3) the development stage is carried out the validation process against the authentic assessment model developed. Validation is carried out by material experts, linguists, and media experts, (4) the implementation stage of the pilot product of the research topic, and (5) evaluation stages aim to find out whether the authentic assessment model developed and implemented in class VII of the junior high school is efficacious or not.

3.2. Research Participants

The subjects in this study were students in two schools, namely students of class VII of the State Junior High School 25 Bulukumba and the teachers of the State Junior High School 28 Bulukumba as many as 65 students and four teachers.

3.3. Research Instruments

The instruments in this study are as follows. The first is a test instrument used to collect data in the form of students’ reading ability. Second, validation sheets are used to obtain information about the quality of the product based on the assessment of experts. Third, the observation sheet, this instrument is used to collect data in the form of real conditions about the reading learning process and also to collect data on the feasibility of the reading learning process using the developed authentic assessment model. The fourth is a questionnaire of the teacher and student responses used to measure the practicality of the products produced and used in learning. The use of teacher response questionnaires aims to find out the responses or responses of teachers as users of the developed assessment manual. Meanwhile, the use of student response questionnaires aims to find out the responses or responses of students as users in reading learning.

3.4. Data Collection

Data collection used in this study is written tests, validation sheets, observations, and questionnaires. Data collection by tests is carried out to find out the results before and after treatment with new products. The test technique is carried out by researchers on students by providing multiple choice questions. Therefore, a test is a measurement method that evaluates a person according to the established rules according to the actual situation, not influenced by the results of thinking. This data collection technique is used to assess students’ comprehension and reading ability, as well, validation sheets are used to collect data based on the assessment of experts. Then, observation is used to collect data on the reading learning process that occurs in schools and the feasibility of the product being developed. At the same time, the questionnaire serves as a validation test for data on teacher and student responses to the product being developed.

3.5. Data Analysis

The data in this study is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitative data are analyzed using statistical methods, namely t-test with the help of SPSS version 24.0.

4. Result and Discussion

4.1. Result

Based on the goal to be achieved, namely developing an authentic assessment model in learning to read understanding based on local wisdom in junior high school, this study has produced a final set of research products in the form of guidelines for authentic assessment models on reading skills based on local wisdom in junior high school. The development results presented in this study include (1) the results of need analysis, (2) expert tests, (3) teachers’ responses in Indonesian, (4) students ambushes, and (5) field tests.

4.1.1. Needs Analysis Results

The needs analysis was carried out in two schools, namely SMP Negeri 25 Bulukumba and SMP Negeri 28 Bulukumba. This issue needs analysis and is done to find out the 3 main things relevant to the research. These three things are the teaching and learning processes in learning to read understanding based on local wisdom, teaching materials used during the learning process of reading understanding based on local wisdom, and assessments used during the learning process of reading comprehension. To identify the three objective conditions, three tools were used, namely, the learning observation guide, the textbook tracking questionnaire, and the assessment tracking questionnaire.

The results of the preliminary study suggest that the reading comprehension learning process that has occurred in schools so far is far from being a good standard for reading learning. Reading learning is still done monotonously and has not been orientated to the development of students’ ability to read. Themed with this condition, the development of authentic assessment in reading learning must be carried out comprehensively with the introduction of appropriate reading learning procedures. More developed authentic assessment models must go hand-in-hand with existing reading learning models or can also be adapted to existing reading learning models.

Furthermore, the teaching materials used during the learning process of reading comprehension in junior high school still use existing standard teaching materials. The teaching materials are still not combined with the application of the right reading learning model. This condition encourages the need for teaching material based on local wisdom that is oriented to improve students’ ability to read and at the same time preserve culture and foster student character. Based on this condition, researchers develop reading teaching materials based on local wisdom combined with reading learning models that can develop student character.

Concerning the type of assessment tools used in schools when carrying out reading learning, it is known that most respondents stated that the assessment tools that they have used still have some weaknesses, among others (1) lack of fostering students’ reading ability, (2) monotonous, (3) only measuring reading results, and (4) not yet able to foster student character. The authentic assessment developed in this study should be able to familiarize students with high-level thinking or at least use certain thinking strategies to understand the reading. Therefore, authentic tasks developed at each stage of reading learning must stimulate students to use their cognition skills so that students are accustomed to cognition during reading learning. Through the habituation of reading, it is hoped that students can have better reading skills and can develop their character themselves.

4.1.2. Expert Test Results on Developed Products

Expert testing is carried out to determine the feasibility of the research product developed. Expert tests are carried out by assessing and reviewing the product. The evaluation of the developed product is carried out by confirming the accuracy and accuracy of the model developed according to the expertise of the expert testers. This research product is assessed by experts in their respective fields, namely (1) material experts, (2) linguists, and (3) media experts.

In general, the results of expert testing of developed products show very adequate results. The results of the expert’s assessment of the authentic assessment model product in learning to read understanding based on local wisdom in junior high school are as follows (Table 1):

Based on Table 1, they obtained the results of the validation of the feasibility of assessment guidelines by material experts consisting of the aspects of content eligibility of 88% with very feasible criteria, 87% linguistic aspects with very feasible criteria, and 85% presentation aspects with very feasible criteria. At the same time, for linguists, 88% of the criteria for content eligibility are very good, 85% of the criteria for language are very workable, and 86% of the criteria for the expression are very workable. For media experts, product assessment includes the feasibility aspect of 85% with very feasible criteria, the language aspect of 86% with very feasible criteria, and the display aspect of 85% with very feasible criteria.

4.1.3. Results of Teacher Studies on Developed Products

This product is studied by practitioners, in this case, it is done by teachers Indonesian in junior high school. The study was conducted by teachers from two schools, namely Indonesian teachers SMP Negeri 25 Bulukumba and teachers Indonesian SMP Negeri 28 Bulukumba. The research is done by looking at the product, whether the developed product is understandable and whether it can be applied to the reading learning of Indonesian language subjects in schools. The evaluation of the developed product is carried out by confirming the accuracy of the developed model, whether the developed authentic assessment model can be applied as an appropriate measuring instrument in evaluating students’ comprehension reading skills in accordance with his, her, and their basic competency and competency standards.

The teacher’s response data obtained through questionnaires given after the learning process. The teacher’s response questionnaire consists of 15 question items. In the form of an authentic assessment, manual for reading learning based on local wisdom, addressing issues of clarity, completeness, comprehension/acceptance, and impact/impact on authentic assessment models. As for the results of the teacher’s response analysis from the aspect of clarity and integrity/acceptance, it is known that on average the assessment aspect meets the criteria for a positive response. The results of the analysis of teacher response data showed that the average percentage of teacher responses was 84.5%, which fell into the very positive category of 80.1–100%. The teacher’s response is very positive because the authentic assessment guidelines developed are easy to use and make it easier for teachers to a simple, clear, and targeted assessment process.

4.1.4. Student Response Results to Developed Products

The application of this product in learning is responded to by students, in this case, responded by students in two schools, namely students of class VII of the State Junior High School 25 Bulukumba and teachers of the State Junior High School 28 Bulukumba as many as 65 students. The study is done by giving questionnaires to students after implementing an authentic assessment model. In essence, students are asked to respond, to whether learning by applying authentic assessments is effective and makes them happier in learning.

The results of students’ responses to the authentic assessment model, in general, showed quite good results. They considered the implementation of authentic assessments to be quite effective, and they were quite happy to follow them. Students provide responses and assessments that are classified into ten categories. Of these ten categories, students generally respond quite well to the authentic assessment model developed. Majority of response percentages for each component is as follows: (1) quite happy 72.30%, (2) happy enough 69.10%, (3) quite happy 64.60%, (4) quite happy 66.20%, (5) quite happy 58.50%, (6) quite happy 63.10%, (7) quite happy 78.50%, (8) quite happy 69.20%, (9) very happy 80.70%, and (10) quite happy 58.50%. This suggests that the model can evaluate learning comprehension reading skills in the junior high school. Percentages and classifications can be described in the diagram below (Figure 1).

4.1.5. Field Test Results

Field tests of research products are conducted in two classes of two schools. The design in the field tests is an experimental quasi. This study used pretest-posttest control group design.

Of the five statistical data analyses, all showed that there was a significant difference between the value of pretest and posttest because . Thus, the effectively developed authentic assessment model is used to evaluate middle school students’ reading comprehension skills.

4.2. Discussion
4.2.1. Needs Analysis Results

Based on the findings from the results of preliminary studies, it encourages problem-solving in an appropriate, targeted, and appropriate implementation manner. One way that can be done by improving learning activities is by developing an authentic assessment model, through authentic assessment of reading learning is created in accordance with reading learning procedures, especially in learning reading comprehension based on local wisdom.

The authentic assessment instrument model in reading learning consists of three stages of learning, namely, the pretraumatic stage, the reading stage, and the posttraumatic stage. An authentic assessment instrument model to measure student activity in understanding the content of readings, using observation sheets equipped with activity assessment rubrics. Activity assessment rubrics were developed based on the results of observations during the learning process. This assessment can be done directly at the time of learning from the beginning to the end of learning.

The results of the development of an authentic assessment instrument model in reading comprehension learning based on local wisdom oriented towards student activity and character are in accordance with the opinions of Kunandar [67] who revealed that authentic assessment is an activity to assess students that emphasizes what should be assessed in real terms, both processes and results with various assessment instruments that are adjusted to the demands of existing competencies.

The statement explains that authentic assessment is an actual assessment, not only looking at the final results but judging from the development of student learning outcomes during the learning process until the end of learning. Authentic assessment is often described as an assessment of the development of learners, as it focuses on their ability to develop the knowledge abilities they possess in a real and meaningful way.

4.2.2. Expert Test Results on Developed Products

Assessment of the developed product is carried out by confirming the accuracy and accuracy of the model developed in accordance with the expertise of expert testers. This research product is assessed by experts in their respective fields, namely (1) material experts, (2) linguists, and (3) media experts. Validation carried out by all experts is guided by an assessment instrument prepared by the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP). The National Standards Board for Education (BSNP) explained that the components of teaching materials include four aspects, namely the feasibility of content, language, presentation, and graphicness.

In the media expert validation instrument, there were 43 questions asked about graphics, language, and display. The assessment by media experts received a positive response on each question with a percentage of 85.3% and fell into the category of worthy of use. Meanwhile, in the material expert validation instrument, there were also 43 questions asked about the feasibility of the content, language, and completeness of the presentation. The assessment by the material expert gets a positive response on each question with a percentage of 86.6% and falls into the category of very worthy of use.

In the linguist validation instrument, there were also 43 questions asked by researchers about the feasibility of language aspects that are in accordance with linguistic rules, content feasibility, and presentation feasibility with a percentage of 86.3% and are included in the category of very feasible to use. Based on this exposure, the results of the validation of assessments carried out by media experts, material experts, and linguists show that the product developed has met all the aspects of an assessment in reading learning. It can be concluded that the development of authentic assessment in reading learning based on local wisdom is very feasible to use.

4.2.3. Results of Teacher Studies on the Developed Products

Based on the results of the analysis of the teacher’s response to the development of an authentic assessment model in reading learning based on local wisdom, it provides a positive response in terms of interest, matters, and language in understanding the learning components. The response suggests that teachers can apply authentic assessment models in reading learning based on local wisdom. The components carried out in learning are (1) components of learning tools; (2) aspects of interest in the appearance of the book and the feasibility of presentation that encourage students to be actively involved, interesting, and fun; and (3) aspects of language feasibility, namely the language used according to the student’s level of thinking.

4.2.4. Student Response Results to the Developed Products

Based on the results of the analysis of student responses to the development of authentic assessment models in reading learning based on local wisdom, it provides a positive response in terms of interest, material, and language in understanding the components of learning. The response shows that students can receive and understand the material well in all components of learning which include (1) the interest component, namely the assessment display and students are motivated by the answer sheets provided, (2) learning materials related to local wisdom, and (3) the language used is clear and easy to understand.

This interest is based on the ease of use of the product from the development in learning activities so that the goal can be achieved. The assessment of the developed products is based on several aspects that have the potential for teachers and students to have an interest in the product. In line with this statement, Hala [68] stated that practicality can be seen in the tendency of students to give a positive response to learning using the model so that they can understand the material and be actively involved in learning. In essence, a learning product can be said to be practical if it can be used by teachers and students under normal conditions indicated by their positive response to the product of the developed results.

4.2.5. Field Test Results

Testing carried out using test question instruments obtained results in the form of scores of the experimental groups and control groups. Then, comparing the posttest scores of the experimental group, namely the class that applies the authentic assessment model in reading learning, and the control group, namely the class that does not apply the authentic assessment model in reading learning.

Based on data analysis, it has been proven that there are significant differences between authentic assessment models and conventional assessment models in learning to read comprehension based on local wisdom. This causes the authentic assessment model to have a higher average and improvement compared to the conventional assessment model because the authentic assessment model provides an assessment of three aspects, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects so that the teacher not only assesses the end of learning but also the learning process. In addition, the learning process makes students more active. Meanwhile, in the conventional assessment model, teachers generally only give assessments on cognitive aspects and students are less active in learning.

5. Conclusion

In this study, a final set of research products has been produced in the form of a real-world assessment guide on reading comprehension in middle school learning. The product development process includes the following: preliminary research, planning evaluation, designing, and developing the evaluation product, conducting product trials, revising the product, and finally holding a product dissemination event.

The following conclusions can be drawn from all the development activities. First, based on the results of the analysis of the needs for developing authentic assessments in reading learning must be done comprehensively with the introduction of appropriate reading learning procedures, and a teaching material based on local wisdom is needed that is oriented to improve reading skills while preserving culture and fostering student character. Second, based on the results of expert tests, in general, the products developed are very adequate. Third, based on the results of the teacher’s study, the products developed in general show excellent results, in the sense that the product, in general, is very easy to produce. Fourth, the results of the students’ responses to the assessment model applied showed quite good results, in the sense that they were quite happy with the assessment model. Fifth, field trials conducted by panelists showed valid results. From the statistical data analysis of the two trial classes, the same results are shown overall, that is, there is a significant difference between the pre-and posttest values due to . Thus, it can be concluded that the authentic assessment model developed is effectively used in evaluating the learning of students’ comprehension of reading skills in the junior high school.

The implications of the research conducted by the researcher are related to the impact of the research results on the learning process. The development of authentic assessment models in local wisdom-based learning can facilitate teacher performance in assessment to improve students’ abilities when understanding the content of reading texts. Classroom learning becomes more efficient and engaging because the available reading texts are close to the student’s environment. Teaching materials based on local wisdom can add to students’ insights about the diversity of their area so that students’ curiosity will increase. The implication of applying authentic assessment to student learning outcomes, in general, is a change in behavior for the better, students becoming more active and creative in the teaching and learning process. Meanwhile, the factors that support authentic assessment are teachers, students, teachers, schools, and adequate facilities. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are the implementation that is not ready (mature), training activities that are less effective and efficient, and the burden on teachers and students increases due to the large number of assessments that must be carried out.

Data Availability

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.