Research Article

Barriers and Facilitators for the Implementation of Exercise Oncology Provision in Germany: A Multilevel, Mixed-Methods Evaluation of the Network OnkoAktiv

Table 1

Structural, process, and outcome quality items of OnkoAktiv network structures graded into barriers (BA), facilitators (FA), or neutral items (N) based on mean values (M) on a Likert-scale from 1 to 5 and standard deviation (SD).

Structural qualityMSDBAFA

Re-financing of costs for network participation3.40.65NN
General network costs3.50.75x
Promotion/marketing material3.80.91x
Simplicity of OnkoAktiv quality criteria40.89x
Certification material4.30.61x
Patient information letter4.30.64x

Process quality
Implementation of marketing strategies2.41.27x
Patient referral by OnkoAktiv2.91.42NN
Expenditure of work for network activities3.60.64x
Regular communication with OnkoAktiv members3.61.16x
Transfer of current knowledge into practice3.71.07x
Content of educational network meetings40.67x
Support during certification process4.40.60x
Reachability of OnkoAktiv staff4.40.78x

Outcome quality
Patients satisfaction3.70.97x
Therapeutical quality3.71.0x
Professional impression3.71.07x

Items were categorized as barrier with a mean value <3 and as facilitator with a mean value >3 and mean values of = 3 were ranked as neutral items (neither nor).