Research Article

Development and Content Validation of a Brief French Tool for Self-Assessment of Supportive and Palliative Care Needs in Patients with Cancer: The ACCOmPAgNE Tool

Table 1

Summary demographics of patients involved in cognitive debriefing interviews (n = 23).

Characteristicsn (%)

Age (years)
 18–391 (4)
 40–494 (17)
 50–594 (17)
 60–697 (30)
 70–796 (27)
 ≥801 (4)
 Male12 (52)
 Female11 (48)
Familial status
 Married or similar16 (70)
 One or more children13 (57)
 Bachelor’s degree or higher11 (48)
Cancer site
 Hematologic2 (9)
 Lung7 (30)
 Breast or gynecologic organs5 (22)
 Genitourinary organs1 (4)
 Gastrointestinal organs6 (27)
 Head and neck2 (9)
Metastatic status14 (61)
Time since diagnosis (years)
 <17 (30)
 1–39 (39)
 4-54 (17)
 >63 (13)
ECOG-PSa ≤ 121 (91)
Active cancer treatment19 (83)
Recruitment place
 Outpatient clinic or day hospital16 (70)
 Conventional units7 (30)

aECOG-PS: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group-Performance Status.