Research Article

Development of a Cancer Pathway Support Guide for Patients and Carers: A Codesign Project

Table 1

Your cancer pathway support guide codesign objectives.

Codesign phasesObjectives

Build the connectionsIdentify partners and stakeholders who are invested and interested in developing a product that will aim to improve patient experience in the cancer diagnosis pathways

Immerse and alignIdentify why the aforementioned stakeholders and partners are delivering the project

DiscoverWhat is the gap in the evidence in relation to improving patient communication in the cancer diagnosis pathways?
What do we know about the patient experience?
Is there an existing tool for improving patient experience across the cancer diagnosis pathway?
What information is already being provided at the referral?
What is the evidence?

DesignWhat information is needed by those who have been through the cancer diagnosis pathways?
How do we build a resource that can be personalised and used by patients entering the cancer diagnosis pathway from different routes to diagnosis?
How can we make sure the resource is accessible, equitable, and easy to understand?
What are the psychological consequences of using the tool?

Test and refineIs the tool working as intended?
Do people understand the information provided?

Implement and learnHow can we evaluate the resource?
What is the patient benefit? e.g., immediate, medium, and long-term
How can we improve the resource?
Future research ideas and evaluation