Research Article

Development of a Cancer Pathway Support Guide for Patients and Carers: A Codesign Project

Table 3

Summary of the feedback from the codesigners for each touchpoint in the cancer pathway to be included in the prototype.

Referral and investigationDiagnosisTreatment and decisionTreatmentPosttreatment

Communication(i) Contact telephone number of someone empathetic(i) Should a more senior health professional be delivering news—diagnosis?(i) Better communication needed between people and services(i) Make sure patient knows who to contact in between appointments(i) Helpline telephone number—easy access
(ii) Consider language used—do patients understand 2 ww pathway? urgent referral?(ii) Who can I contact after for follow-up care?
(iii) Change “pathway” to “journey”? or other(iii) Opportunity to discuss other illnesses
(iv) Cancer pathway support
(v) Cancer referral route support tool
(vi) Language needs to be more personal/softer—“you,” “I,” “your,” etc.

Info/signposting practical(i) What do I do if I cannot speak English?(i) Signpost where to get help with state benefits(i) Financial, benefits, employment, housing advice(i) Short-term and long-term effects of treatment
(ii) Key contact numbers(ii) Signpost to additional resources—nutrition, dietician, physical activity(ii) Physical exercise guidance—prehab
(iii) Add practical prompts(iii) Where can I get practical advice? Financial, transport, support groups(iii) Info personal care—hair colouring, etc.
(iv) Local services
(v) Who do I contact if I am on a 2 ww referral if I have questions

Emotional support info and signposting(i) Local support groups(i) Professionals giving feedback on diagnosis should be able to answer follow-up questions if they are delivering diagnosis news(i) Signpost to local Macmillan information and support centre and support groups(i) Signpost to services for after care
(ii) Where can my family get support?(ii) How do I tell my family?(ii) Faith groups?
(iii) My cancer is genetic—where can I get support to discuss with family?

Patient/carer/relative-centred care(i) What can I expect to happen at the appointment?(i) Diagnosis will be given by consultant and cancer nurse specialist(i) Are clinical trials available? Pros and cons?(i) How might treatment affect other conditions?(i) What type of care will I get from my GP—how will I make sure this happens?
(ii) How do I make sure I get answers?(ii) How long will hospital follow-ups last?
(iii) Can I bring a friend with me?(iii) Late onset side effects?
(iv) Specific signposting to give patient back control
(v) Practical guideline/timeline—if you have not heard back by this time, call this number
(vi) Family support(iv) What is next?

Supporting navigation(i) Are the appointments currently happening within 2 ww?(i) Clear info about all possible side effects
(ii) Do you triage a delay?
(iii) Tailor info around different patient journeys—e.g., A&E/GP route
(iv) A short flowchart at the beginning of the checklist would be helpful outlining why you are being referred, who you should contact with questions, a contact number

Info exchange(i) Add positive messaging(i) If cancer diagnosis—consider signposting to wider support, i.e., not just emotional. Charities, prehabilitation and support with exercise, healthy eating, nutrition, online forums, etc.(i) Provide videos(i) Short version and detailed version of tool