Research Article

Assessment of Knowledge about First Aid Methods, Diagnosis, and Management of Snakebite among Nursing Students: A Cross-Sectional Study from Palestine

Table 3

Percentages of correct responses of nursing students to questions on knowledge regarding Vipera palaestinae.

QuestionNumber (%)

The most common venomous snake in Palestine is Vipera palaestinae (T)151 (75.5)
The venom of Vipera palaestinae contains the neurotoxic compound (T)134 (67.5)
Local swelling is the most common clinical symptom of envenomation (T)105 (52.5)
Its length is 1 meter on average (T)104 (52)
The venom of Vipera palaestinae contains a hemorrhagic compound (T)95 (47.5)
The venom of Vipera palaestinae contains integrin inhibitors compound (T)90 (45)
The venom of Vipera palaestinae contains growth factors inhibitors compound (T)64 (32)
Males are bitten twice as often as females (T)61 (30.5)
The mortality rate is 1.5% due to the envenomation of Vipera palaestinae (T)47 (23.5)
The total level of serum cholesterol in admission can serve as an indicator of the severity of envenomation (T)33 (16.5)
Envenomation was reported only in humans (F)31 (15.5)
The venom of Vipera palaestinae contains cardiotoxin compound (T)18 (9)
Increased body temperature is the most common clinical symptom of envenomation (F)17 (8.5)

These questions were adapted from a previous study [33].