Research Article

A Retrospective Study: Quick Scoring of Symptoms to Estimate the Risk of Cardiac Arrest in the Emergency Department

Table 2

Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the study patients.

N-CA (n = 450)CA (n = 150)χ2/z

 Female208 (46.33%)111 (74%)
 Male241 (53.67%)39 (26%)

Age51 (32, 69)66 (51, 78)−5.946<0.001
Cerebrovascular diseases137 (33.58%)73 (54.89%)19.177<0.001
Coronary heart disease45 (13.85%)44 (38.6%)31.986<0.001
Heart failure8 (2.62%)18 (17.48%)28.469<0.001
Hypertension119 (33.62%)70 (57.85%)22.108<0.001
Respiratory disease6 (1.99%)10 (9.9%)10.4450.001

 Asthma6 (1.98%)7 (6.86%)4.389<0.001
Chronic renal diseases11 (3.58%)18 (17.14%)21.985<0.001
Hyperlipidemia18 (5.77%)20 (19.05%)16.724<0.001
Diabetes mellitus60 (18.24%)40 (35.4%)14.15<0.001
Other disease38 (12.62%)32 (32%)19.556<0.001
Smoking history1 (0.33%)19 (19%)51.504<0.001
Drinking history1 (0.33%)14 (13.86%)34.982<0.001

Symptoms280 (65.57%)90 (60.81%)1.0870.297
 Chest pain39 (8.67%)5 (3.33%)4.7090.03
 Dyspnea36 (8%)48 (32%)53.821<0.001
 Palpitation18 (4%)4 (2.67%)0.5660.452
 Abdominal pain69 (15.3%)4 (2.67%)16.891<0.001
 Backache15 (3.33%)4 (2.67%)0.0180.893
 Syncope3 (0.7%)5 (3.3%)6.0810.026
 Cold sweat2 (0.4%)13 (8.7%)31.202<0.001
 Chest tightness19 (6.23%)12 (11.43%)3.0210.082
 Nausea23 (7.49%)10 (9.62%)0.4740.491
 Vomit29 (9.42%)15 (14.02%)1.7750.183
 Altered level of consciousness2 (0.66%)6 (6%)8.4080.004
 Dizziness43 (13.78%)10 (9.9%)1.0270.311
 Seizure0 (0%)5 (5%)11.450.001
 Other symptoms0 (0%)4 (3.88%)8.1770.004

a patient may have more than one symptom at the same time.