Research Article

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Incidence, Severity, and Management of Acute Appendicitis: A Single Center Experience in Thailand

Table 4

Multivariate analyses of primary and secondary outcomes.

Relative risk (RR)95% CI value

Primary outcome
 Gangrenous appendicitis0.700.53–0.920.338
 Ruptured appendicitis1.010.84–1.190.292
 Appendiceal abscess1.140.86–1.510.979
 Appendiceal phlegmon0.940.61–1.440.772
Secondary outcome
 Prolonged time to surgerya1.501.29–1.760.041
 Ventilator use2.081.63–2.650.457
 ICU admission1.911.43–2.550.420
 Prolonged LOSb1.191.03–1.380.332
 High costc1.341.16–1.550.075

ICU, invasive care unit; LOS, length of hospital stay. a categorized by prolonged time to surgery by the time of patient’s arrival to the operation more than 10 hours (by the median value). b categorized to long LOS by admission in hospital more than 3 days (by the median value). c categorized as the high cost of treatment by the total cost of treatment of more than 20,000 baht (by the median value). Statistically significant value <0.05.