Research Article

Risk Factors for Predicting Mortality and Amputation of Patients with Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infections: Retrospective Analysis of 111 Cases from a Single Medical Center

Table 6

LRINEC score comparison of live and dead patients.

VariableGroupSize (missing)Mean ± SDMedian (interquartile range)Range (minimum and maximum)Test methodχ2(T or Z)value

LRINECLive100 (0)4.02 ± 3.003.00 (2.00, 6.00)12 (0, 12)Wilcoxon two-sample test1.9710.049
Dead11 (0)5.82 ± 3.036.00 (3.00, 9.00)8 (2, 10)
Difference (row 1-row 2)−1.895% CI (−3.69, 0.09)

LRINEC, laboratory risk indicator for necrotizing fasciitis; SD, standard deviation.