Research Article

Association between Red Blood Cell Distribution Width and Short-Term Mortality in Patients with Paralytic Intestinal Obstruction: Retrospective Data Analysis Based on the MIMIC-III Database

Table 4

Effect size of RDW on 28 day mortality in prespecified and exploratory subgroups.

CharacteristicNo of participantsOR (95%CI)P for interaction

Age (years)0.791
 ≤653701.25 (1.09, 1.42)
 >654031.28 (1.14, 1.42)
Sex, n0.571
 Male4971.28 (1.15, 1.42)
 Female2761.22 (1.06, 1.40)
Admission type, n0.282
 Emergency5761.28 (1.16, 1.40)
 Elective1971.13 (0.91, 1.39)
Ethnicity, n0.277
 White5651.23 (1.12, 1.36)
 Asian222.40 (0.96, 6.01)
 Black711.42 (1.08, 1.88)
 Others1151.21 (0.99, 1.49)
Congestive heart failure, n0.355
 No6151.27 (1.15, 1.39)
 Yes1581.15 (0.96, 1.38)
Hypertension, n0.751
 No6781.26 (1.15, 1.38)
 Yes951.31 (1.03, 1.66)
Renal failure, n0.263
 No6591.23 (1.12, 1.35)
 Yes1141.40 (1.14, 1.72)
Liver disease, n0.481
 No6871.26 (1.14, 1.39)
 Yes861.16 (0.96, 1.41)
Coagulopathy, n0.184
 No6051.28 (1.15, 1.43)
 Yes1681.13 (0.97, 1.31)
Chronic pulmonary disease, n0.995
 No6021.26 (1.14, 1.38)
 Yes1711.26 (1.05, 1.50)
Pulmonary circulation, n0.656
 No7191.27 (1.16, 1.38)
 Yes541.19 (0.92, 1.54)

Notes: things presented in this table are results for unadjusted variables. Abbreviations: DW, red cell distribution width; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.