In the article titled “Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy of Terlipressin Delivered by Continuous Intravenous Infusion in Patients with Cirrhosis and Refractory Ascites” [1], there was an error in the Conflicts of Interest section, where Jasmohan S. Bajaj was incorrectly listed as an employee of BioVie, Inc. Additionally, some additional information was omitted in error. The corrected section appears in the following:
Conflicts of Interest
JF and PY are consultants who received compensation from BioVie. EG and AF received none. PA is a clinical advisor who received honorarium from BioVie and from Grifols. GG-T is a clinical advisor who received honorarium from BioVie. JSB received grant support to his institution from BioVie. JA and PM are BioVie employees.