Research Article

Using Emoji in Response to Customer Reservation Requests and Service Reviews

Table 1

Summary of results: main effects of emoji and valence in Study 1 and Study 2.

Study 1Study 2
With (vs. without) emojiPositive (vs. negative)With (vs. without) emojiPositive (vs. negative)

 InformalityRestaurant’s communication style rated as more informalHotel’s communication style rated as more informal
 AdequacyRestaurant’s communication style rated as more adequateHotel’s communication style rated as more adequate
Brand perception
 Warmth and competenceRestaurant rated as warmer/more competentRestaurant rated as warmer/more competentHotel rated as warmerHotel rated as warmer/more competent
 ModernityRestaurant’s communication style rated as more modernHotel’s communication style rated as more modern
Intention: future reservationsHigher likelihood of making a new reservationHigher likelihood of making a new reservationHigher likelihood of making a new reservation

Note. In both studies, the interaction between emoji and valence was not significant for any of the variables.