Research Article

How Travel Vlogs on YouTube Influence Consumer Behavior: A Use and Gratification Perspective and Customer Engagement

Table 1

Related work.

AuthorsVariables and findingsLimitation

Cheng et al. [6]Variables:
Cognitive resonance, emotional resonance, CEB (WOM), and travel intention
Behavioral manifestations of customer engagement behavior (WOM) are positively impacted by emotional factors
The results are subject to memory bias since they are based solely on the respondent’s unforgettable experiences. The study focuses only on one major manifestation of CEB, namely, WOM
Tafesse [17]Variable:
Video title (information content & emotional sentiment), video description (information content), video tags, and video views
It is the availability of information and the intensity of emotions that encourage the viewing of travel vlogs
The title of this video is not informative. It fails to differentiate between video categories. The data set used does not accurately reflect the video content
Gamage et al. [18]Variable:
UGT theory (social satisfaction, process, and content), decision-making
The factors that influence consumer choice decisions include social satisfaction, processes, and content.
Only tracking tourist satisfaction on a few social media platforms
Current studyVariables:
U&G (information seeking, entertainment), customer engagement (emotional; social presence)
The reasons for watching travel vlogs, such as information and entertainment, significantly impact customer engagement. Emotionally engaged and high-attendance customers will influence their travel intent behavior as well as influence them to share e-WOM
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of consumer behavior expressed through emerging technologies, such as travel vlog videos on YouTube, on travel intention and electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) behavior