Review Article

From the Cradle to the Web: The Growth of “Sharenting”—A Scientometric Perspective

Table 1

Metrics of the 12 clusters identified with the document cocitation analysis (DCA). Log-Likelihood Ratio (LLR) label is automatically generated by the software.

Cluster IDSizeSilhouetteMean yearLLR labelProposed label

0970.912016Mummy influencerParents vs. children
1770.982013Veterans perceptionThe internet “parentsphere
2630.992012Online behaviorOnline parenting interventions targeted at mental health
4530.962013Asynchronous discussion boardFrequently discussed topics
6410.982015Advocacy privacy-
9320.942016Dialectical tension-
12280.972015Facebook communities-
15231.002009Virtual discussion board-
44100.992016Digital play-
48100.992005Online parenting communities-