Review Article

From the Cradle to the Web: The Growth of “Sharenting”—A Scientometric Perspective

Table 3

Citing articles in cluster #0 identified using the DCA. Values of Global Citing Score (GCS), Local Citing Score (LCS), and coverage are reported for the citing articles. GCS stays for the total number of citations a paper received in Scopus. LCS indicates the number of citations a paper received in the dataset of the current study. Coverage refers to the number of articles in the cluster that were cited by the paper.

Cluster 0
Citing articleYearGCSLCSCoverage

1Verswijvel et al. [8]20198016
2Jorge et al. [25]20210016
3Lipu and Siibak [66]201911013
4Blum-Ross [3]201559012
5Siibak and Traks [21]20194012
6Ouvrein and Verswijvel [67]201918011
7Barnes and Potter [68]2021109
8Klucarova and Hasford [69]2021007
9Sarkadi et al. [70]2020206