Review Article

From the Cradle to the Web: The Growth of “Sharenting”—A Scientometric Perspective

Table 5

Citing articles in cluster #2 identified using the DCA. Values of Global Citing Score (GCS), Local Citing Score (LCS), and coverage are reported for the citing articles. GCS stays for the total number of citations a paper received in Scopus. LCS indicates the number of citations a paper received in the dataset of the current study. Coverage refers to the number of articles in the cluster that were cited by the paper.

Cluster 2
Citing articleYearGCSLCSCoverage

1Dworkin et al. [78]201357011
2Baker et al. [79]201729011
3Baker et al. [51]201745010
4Owen et al. [80]2017309
5Boyd et al. [81]2019807