Research Article

A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Sexting Motives and Attitudes: Bosnia and Herzegovina vs. Croatia

Table 5

Results of regression analyses for sexual, instrumental, and body image reinforcement sexting purpose.

Sexual purposeInstrumental purposeBody image reinforcement purpose

Predictor variableB&HCroB&HCroB&HCro
(S.E.) (S.E.) (S.E.) (S.E.) (S.E.) (S.E.)
Gender0.048 (0.051)0.074 (0.071)0.087 (0.063)0.198 (0.071)0.161 (0.060)0.119 (0.072)
Age-0.023 (0.052)11.6570.143 (0.074)11.109-0.165 (0.064)13.1140.002 (0.074)11.609-0.129 (0.061)19.0680.012 (0.075)8.753
Intimate relationship0.084 (0.052)0.094 (0.069)0.033 (0.064)0.113 (0.069)0.062 (0.061)0.048 (0.070)
Attitudes toward sexting0.658 (0.053)0.357 (0.061)0.372 (0.065)0.347 (0.061)0.428 (0.062)0.338 (0.062)

Note: B&H = Bosnia and Herzegovina; Cro = Croatia; ; ; .