Research Article

A New Contemporary Profession as Game Boosters: The Behavioural Emergence of Intellectual Opportunism

Table 6

Statistical results.

HypothesesCausalitiesModel AModel BModel C

H1(+)EO ➔ IO0.5838.100.4676.410.4736.48
H2(+)EF ➔ OMSNs0.47114.200.49114.34
H3(+)TR ➔ OMSNs0.38311.270.39011.18
H4(+)IO ➔ OMSNs0.0865.460.0452.62
H5(+)IO ➔ INTB0.45811.610.1383.78
H6(+)IO ➔ INTR0.43311.060.10215.44
H7(+)OMSNs ➔ INTB0.96917.040.86815.40
H8(+)OMSNs ➔ INTR0.98916.450.91315.44

Note: EO: economic opportunity; IO: intellectual opportunism; EF: efficiency; TR: trustworthiness; OMSN: opportunistic mobile social network; INTB: intention to broaden businesses contracts; INTR: intention to redo businesses contracts. Significant at level of 1%; 5%; 10%; : 702 respondents.