Review Article

The Spectra of Disease-Causing Mutations in the Ferroportin 1 (SLC40A1) Encoding Gene and Related Iron Overload Phenotypes (Hemochromatosis Type 4 and Ferroportin Disease)

Figure 4

Iron overload profiles of the 96 probands with ferroportin disease (FD), 27 probands with hemochromatosis type 4 (HC4), and 22 probands with unexplained hyperferritinemia (UH). Distributions of age (a), serum ferritin (b), and transferrin saturation (c); medians (white dot on the violin plots) and interquartile ranges (the black bars in the center of violins) are shown. values were calculated on Student’s -test; and . (d) Relationship between serum ferritin and transferrin saturation in FD (green), HC4 (red), and UH patients (orange).