Research Article

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Unveiling the Role of PTPN11 Gene in Multiple Osteochondromas in a Large Cohort Study

Table 1

Summary of clinical data from 244 probands from unrelated families.


Sporadic cases6442106
Familial cases7051121
Unknown family history12517
Age of last examination (median, IQR)9 (5-15)10.5 (6-25)10 (5.25-16)
Availability of clinical data for IOR scale13492226
Not sufficient clinical data for IOR scale12618
Localization of first OC12278200
Unknown localization242044
Age of discovery of 1st OC11875193
Unknown age of discover of 1st OC282351

IQR: interquartile range; IOR: clinical scale of severity of MO by the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli.