Research Article

Functional Analysis of UTR Variants at the LDLR and PCSK9 Genes in Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Figure 4

Effect of miR-449c-5p on the expression of LDLR-UTR variant in the luciferase reporter assay. The LDLR-UTR luciferase reporter construct WT (WT) and mutated-plasmid LDLR: were cotransfected with miR-449c-5p mimic or negative mimic control (CN). The luciferase activity of the cell lysates was then measured. The luciferase activity of the WT and mutant cotransfected with miR449c-5p or mimic negative control is shown. Each result corresponds to the percentage of luciferase activity with respect to WT with mimic negative deviation of the triplicate assays. Statistical significance was determined by a Welch’s correction unpaired -test (2-sided) and a 95% confidence interval. The results were obtained in three independent experiments.