Research Article

Adaptive Shrink and Shard Architecture Design for Blockchain Storage Efficiency

Table 6

Benchmark result summary node level 2.

Compared methodsMaxMin

Lv 2 vs. ICIS0.110.08
Lv 2 vs. ICIS0.360.32
Lv 2 vs. Block Summarization1.320.94
Lv 2 vs. Block Summarization4.153.75
Lv 2 vs. BC Big Data0.490.35
Lv 2 vs. BC Big Data1.541.39
Lv 2 vs. IPFS0.20.14
Lv 2 vs. IPFS0.630.57

The numbers in italics are the highest level of efficiency achieved from the test results, while the numbers in bold are the lowest efficiency levels achieved from the test results.