Research Article

The Determination of Polymyxin B in Critically Ill Patients by the HPLC-MS/MS Method

Table 5

Stability of PBs.

QC levelAccuracy of PB1/PB1-IAccuracy of PB2/PB3
Low (%)Medium 1 (%)Medium 2 (%)High (%)Low (%)Medium 1 (%)Medium 2 (%)High (%)

QC sample, room temp, 4 h100.396.190.897.690.597.288.695.0
QC sample, 4°C, 24 h104.8107.8111.2106.9107.6108.4109.0103.4
Auto sampler, 4°C, 24 h106.8104.6101.098.9110.4105.3112.0105.9
Freeze–thaw, −20°C, 3 times88.885.787.488.696.891.092.392.3
Freeze–thaw, −80°C, 3 times106.590.997.1101.4105.4101.196.2103.3
QC sample, −20°C, 37 days113.9104.3105.0113.1103.696.899.3104.6
QC sample, −80°C, 94 days102.5105.0105.4107.3109.2106.2104.7105.2
Working solution, −20°C, 18 days110.2105.0105.6110.695.8101.399.7101.5
Working solution, −80°C, 94 days91.696.3103.399.398.595.2101.096.9
Store solution, −80°C, 94 days92.898.597.395.192.995.996.596.3