Research Article

A Single-Layer S/X- Band Shared Aperture Antenna with MIMO Characteristics at X-Band for Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications

Table 1

Dimensions of the antenna design prototype of coaxial antenna.

Coaxial antenna parameters
ParametersDescriptionValue (mm)

HGHeight of the ground0.035
HSHeight of the substrate1.6
SPLPatch length21
SPWPatch width21
SLSubstrate length100
SWSubstrate width100
R1Inner pin0.65
R2Outer pin2.1765
XVFX-coordinate of vertical polarization0
YVFY-coordinate of vertical polarizationāˆ’4.5
XHFX-coordinate of horizontal polarization4.5
YHFY-coordinate of horizontal polarization0