Review Article

Sentinel Node Biopsy Alone versus Completion Axillary Node Dissection in Node Positive Breast Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 2

A characteristic of included randomised trials.

StudyAccrual periodSingle/multicenterPopulationSample size calculationFollow-up N SLNB alone/ALNDPrimary outcomeSecondary outcomeRandomisation method Adjuvant treatment

ACSOG Z0011 [12] trial1999 to 2004Multicenter in USA;
115 institutions
Adult women with histologically; confirmed invasive breast cancer 5 cm or less AND;
breast conservation surgery AND;
clinically negative axilla AND;
positive metastatic SLN on frozen section, touch preparation, and H-E Stain
(micrometastasis in SLND alone-164 ALND-137)
500 deaths needed for 90% power,
1900 patients accrual was planned,
only 891 randomised
5.2–7.7 years;
median 6.3 years
Overall Survival;
occurrence of surgical morbidities
Disease free survivalNot mentionedAll received whole breast irradiation.
Systemic therapy not specified

AATRM [15] Trial2001 to 2008Multicenter in Spain;
18 institutions
Patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer less than 3.5 cm AND;
mastectomy or breast conservation surgery AND;
clinically negative axilla AND;
SLN micrometastasis with metastatic cell deposit 0.2–2 mm (from 2002) and excluding isolated tumour cells from 2002
352 patients planned for accrual based on survival curves with Log Rank method
(247 recruited)
2 to 8.9 years;
median 5.1 years
Disease free SurvivalNot mentionedAll received postoperative systemic therapy.
Breast-conserving surgery received tangential breast radiation

IBCSG 23-01 [17] trial2001 to 2012Multicenter from Europe, South America, and Australia;
27 institutions
Women newly diagnosed with breast cancer 5 cm or less AND;
mastectomy or conservative surgery AND;
clinically negative axilla AND;
SLN micrometastasis including isolated tumour cells
558 events needed for 90% power,
1960 patients planned for target accrual
(934 recruited)
3.6 to 7.3 years;
median 5 years
Disease free SurvivalOverall survival;
site of recurrence;
morbidity of ALND
Permuted blocks generated by a congruence algorithmMajority of patients in both arms received systemic therapy and radiation therapy with breast conservation