Research Article

Validation of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy/Gynecologic Oncology Group Neurotoxicity Questionnaire for the Latin American Population

Table 3

Neurotoxicity scores questionnaire (FACT/GOG-Ntx) towards participants ().

FACT/GOG-NtxSex value value

Physical well-being, PWB (0–28)Men 20.6 (17.0; 24.5) [9; 28]0.0811005.5
Women 19.0 (14; 2) [1; 28]
Social/family well-being, SWB (0–28)Men 19.0 (11.5; 24.0) [5; 28]0.6251188.5
Women 18.5 (13.2; 23.0) [5; 28]
Emotional well-being, EWB (0–24)Men 17.0 (15.0; 23.0) [6; 24]0.016909.0
Women 16.0 (13.0; 18.0) [7; 24]
Functional well-being, FWB (0–28)Men 17.0 (13.0; 21.5) [7; 28]0.5431171.0
Women 18.0 (12.0; 23.0) [4; 28]
Neurotoxicity, NtxS (0–44)Men 33.0 (26.0; 39.0) [15; 44]0.038956.5
Women 29.0 (23.0; 34.7) [12; 44]
FACT/GOG-Ntx total score (0–152)Men 110.0 (81.0; 127.5) [60; 144]0.1431045.5
Women 93.5 (82.0; 117.7) [58; 140]
FACT-G total score (0–108)Men 80.0 (58.0; 88.5) [39; 105]0.1941070.0
Women 67.5 (54.0; 84.7) [39; 105]
FACT/GOG-Ntx TOI (0–100)Men 73.0 (55.5; 83.5) [39; 97]1.0500.167
Women 62.5 (55.0; 78.0) [35; 97]

Abbreviations: . U test: Value of Mann–Whitney test. Values are expressed as median (first quartile; third quartile) (minimum; maximum).