Research Article

Burden of Helicobacter pylori Infections and Associated Risk Factors among Women of Child Bearing Age in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Table 2

Univariate analysis showing association of H. pylori infection with some associated risk factors among study participated in Woreda 9 HC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April to October 2015 (n=332).

VariablesHPSA positiveX2P-value
Nn ()

Age group
16-20428 (19.1)
21-2511933 (27.7)
26-309530 (31.6)3.6700.453
31-355018 (36.0)
36-40267 (26.9)
Marital status
Single20717 (8.2)0.0630.996
Married11877 (65.3)
Divorced/widowed72 (28.6)
Education level
Illiterate367 (19.4)
Primary School10530 (28.6)3.0330.387
Secondary school8523 (27.1)
Higher education10636 (34.0)
Occupational status
Government6222 (35.5)
NGO224 (18.2)3.7080.447
Private12635 (27.8)
house wife11434 (29.8)
house servant81 (12.5)
Number of children (parity)
No children629 (14.5)
One5722 (38.6)0.4370.933
Two5518 (32.7)
Three and above219 (42.8)
Gestational week
1-12 week7726 (33.8)
13-2 4 week8124 (29.6)7.8790.069
25-40 week3716 (43.2)
No. of people in house hold
Two42 (50.0)
Three7626 (34.2)2.4790.140
Four13836 (26.1)
Greater than four11432 (28.1)
Gravidity / no. of pregnancy
One9128 (30.8)
Two6124 (39.3)8.3140.140
Greater than three or equal to three4114 (34.1)
Pregnant19566 (33.8)5.5890.020
Non pregnant13730 (21.9)
Habit of alcohol drinking
Yes61 (16.60
No32595 (29.1)0.4460.677
Smoking habit
Yes10 (0.0)
No33196 (29.0)0.4681.000
Khat chewing habit
Yes20 (0.0)0.8181.000
No33096 (29.0)
Drinking coffee & tea
Yes27077 (28.5)0.757
No6219 (30.6)0.111
History of gastrointestinal illness
Yes19066 (34.7)7.3230.007
No14230 (21.1)
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Yes 14561 (29.6)5.2590.001
No 505 (9.1)
water for drinking purpose
pipe water33196 (29.0)
Tanker10 (0.0)0.4081.000
Presence of intestinal parasite
Negative26172 (27.6)1.0490.306
positive7124 (33.8)
Anemia status
Anemic6144 (72.1)68.610.001
Non anemic27152 (19.2)

Note.Statistically significant, HPSA: H. pylori stool antigen test, and NGO: nongovernmental organization.