Research Article

Comparative Effectiveness of Simulation versus Serious Game for Training Nursing Students in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Randomized Control Trial

Table 4

The checklist for basic life support (BLS) performance evaluation in adults according to 2015 American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).


1Ensure safety in the environment
2Check for the patient’s consciousness at the bedside by shaking their arm and calling them
3Call for help immediately or activate the emergency system response via a cellphone in the case of no response by the patient
4Support the patient’s head and neck if a spinal injury is suspected
5Place the patient in an appropriate supine position until help arrives
6Place the patient on a hard and firm surface
7Support the patient’s head along with their body if a spinal injury is suspected
8Control the patients’ carotid pulse in less than 10 seconds to check for pulses
9Start chest compressions immediately if there is no pulse or no pulse is suspected
10Place the heel of the hand on the center of the patient’s chest, two fingers above the xiphoid process, for a chest compression
11Put the other hand and lock the fingers of both hands
12Care about not contacting the chest by fingers
13Exert vertical chest compressions using the palms of both hands while keeping elbows straight
14Start chest compressions at the rate of 100-120 compressions per minute
15Perform chest compressions with a depth of 5-6 cm
16Release compressions completely to help return the chest to its original position after each compression
17Control the patient’s airway after 30 consecutive and nonstop chest compressions
18Open the patient’s mouth and clear it up properly in the case of the presence of external objects or secretions
19Open up the airway through appropriate maneuvers, depending on the patient’s conditions
20Give two breaths to the patient immediately after opening the airway (there is no need to see, hear, and feel their breathing)
21Pinch the patient’s nostrils shut using the thumb and the index finger of the hand placed on the forehead
22Use the other hand to keep the patient’s mouth open
23Take a deep breath and then start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation after covering the patient’s mouth with their owns
24Give the breaths around a second
25Pay attention to the patient’s chest expansion after each breath
26Keep on breathing to the extent that the patient’s chest expands
27Leave the lungs to be depleted between the resuscitations for at least 1.5 seconds
28Complete the compression-ventilation ratio for about 2 minutes with no interruptions (5 cycles of 30 : 2)
29Recheck the patient’s pulse after two minutes of resuscitation for less than 10 seconds
30Continue compressions and breathing via 30 : 2 cycles if there is no pulse and check the pulse every two minutes
31Take the above-mentioned steps until the patient’s pulse returns, the defibrillator is provided, and the help arrives to start the advanced cardiac life support
Number of correct answers (yes)Number of incorrect answers (no)