Research Article

Influencing Factors of Massive Hemorrhage and High-Grade Renal Vascular Injury after PCNL: A Retrospective Comparative Study

Table 2

Univariate analysis of risk factors for massive hemorrhage after PCNL (continuous variables).

ControlTest value

BMI (kg/m2)98 (23.1712 ± 3.23159)69 (23.4697 ± 3.06409)0.326
Operative time (min)98 (116.5306 ± 34.41086)69 (130.9375 ± 43.30471)0.107
Age (yr)98 (49.7857 ± 11.54485)69 (51.3125 ± 13.37241)0.467
Stone size (cm)98 (2.2816 ± 1.03718)69 (2.5641 ± 1.09448)0.726
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (ml/min)98 (35.8458 ± 13.89348)69 (22.5424 ± 20.48616)0.004

Data are presented as the mean (standard deviation); BMI = body mass index.