Research Article

Influencing Factors of Massive Hemorrhage and High-Grade Renal Vascular Injury after PCNL: A Retrospective Comparative Study

Table 5

Univariate analysis of risk factors for high-grade vascular injury (continuous variables).

Grade IIIGrade IVGrade V value

BMI15 (23.3479 ± 2.75715)44 (23.4528 ± 3.32105)5 (23.9844 ± 1.51947)0.923
Operative time15 (107.3333 ± 40.26105)44 (137.0455 ± 41.51657)5 (148.0000 ± 49.6991)0.045
Age15 (59.8667 ± 13.33560)44 (50.2045 ± 11.90775)5 (35.4000 ± 8.08084)0.001
Stone size15 (2.1800 ± 0.77478)44 (2.6909 ± 1.20499)5 (2.6000 ± 0.65192)0.299
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)15 (26.9350 ± 24.42227)44 (20.5133 ± 19.56481)5 (28.9750 ± 22.26962)0.601
Red blood cell count drop15 (1.0722 ± 0.36745)44 (1.2355 ± 0.48363)5 (1.4660 ± 0.20936)0.297
Decreased hemoglobin15 (42.6000 ± 10.23858)44 (27.5909 ± 10.53304)5 (16.0000 ± 7.38241)0.002
Decreased HCT15 (12.4000 ± 6.21369)44 (11.1916 ± 4.50993)5 (11.5200 ± 6.28228)0.808

Data are presented as the mean (standard deviation); BMI = body mass index; HCT = hematocrit.