Research Article

Influencing Factors of Massive Hemorrhage and High-Grade Renal Vascular Injury after PCNL: A Retrospective Comparative Study

Table 6

Multivariate analysis of risk factors for high-grade vascular injury.

βSEWaldχ2OR95% CI

Grade IV
 Decreased hemoglobin−0.2070.0738.1100.0040.8130.705∼0.938
 Operative time0.0230.0152.5240.1121.0240.995∼1.054
 History of ipsilateral kidney surgery−2.0931.1363.3960.0650.1230.013∼1.142
Grade V
 Decreased hemoglobin−0.4260.1508.0660.0050.6530.487∼0.876
 Operative time0.0070.0270.0640.8011.0070.954∼1.063
 History of ipsilateral kidney surgery−22.5787117.0670.0000.9971.565E − 10a

a. Floating point overflow occurred while computing this statistic. Its value is therefore set to system missing.