Research Article

Gonadotropin-Induced Spermatogenesis in CHH Patients with Cryptorchidism

Table 3

Comparison of spermatogenesis between the cryptorchidism group and noncryptorchidism group.

Cryptorchidism (n = 40)Noncryptorchidism (n = 183) value

Spermatogenesis rate50%67%0.032
Median time for first sperm detection in semen (months)2415<0.001
Mean sperm concentration1.9 (0.5, 8.6)11.1 (1.0, 25.0)0.006
Sperm progressive motility (A + B) (%)30.4 ± 24.037.1 ± 20.60.372
Sperm total mobility (A + B + C) (%)34.8 ± 24.944.6 ± 20.50.210

Statistical significance. was defined as significant difference. Data were expressed as median (25%, 75%).