Research Letter

Seychelles Lagoon Provides Corals with a Refuge from Bleaching

Figure 2

Stony coral percent cover and mortality at Ile Alphonse, Seychelles, surrounding the 1997-1998 bleaching episode. Comparison of massive and branching colonies inside the lagoon and on the outer reef slope. (a) Percent cover of live stony corals prior to the bleaching episode, from analysis of live coral colonies and recently-bleached coral skeletons that appeared to have died within the year preceding. (b) Percent cover of live stony corals after the bleaching episode. (c) Mortality rates following the bleaching episode. “Lagoon top” refers to corals on the top of shallow reef patches inside the lagoon, and “lagoon side” refers to corals on the vertical sides of reef patches in the lagoon. Data were collected during November 1998, from 1-m2 digitized video quadrates ( 𝑁 = 12–39) at each location.
(a) Before bleaching
(b) After bleaching
(c) Percent change