Research Article

Changes in the Ecological Parameters of Mixed Forests of Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn.) Are a Function of Distance from the Human Settlements

Table 5

Observed richness, total density, and total basal area along the sites of Radha Krishna BZCF.

SiteObserved richness (ha−1)Density ± SD (individuals ha−1)Basal area ± SD (m2 ha−1)Variance of frequency

I8323 ± 112.1620.69 ± 6.74942.86

II14587 ± 110.6623.46 ± 4.53965.39

III17513 ± 107.6124.44 ± 4.251127.94

IV16448 ± 93.0725.67 ± 6.001179.58

V18643 ± 71.8127.09 ± 6.861379.41

VI26413 ± 89.2029.68 ± 10.50877.54