Review Article

Water Level Fluctuation Effect on Fish Reproduction Success

Table 1

Inclusion and exclusion criteria for articles in the review.

CriteriaIncludedExcludedJustification for criteria application

Publication date2000 to 2023Before 2000Used collections from trusted databases to analyze the effect of water level fluctuation on fish reproduction success
Language of publicationArticles published in English language onlyArticles not written in EnglishDue to authors’ knowledge of English language only
Theme of publicationArticles on water level fluctuation effect on fish reproductionArticles outside the scope of the effect of water level fluctuation on fish reproductionTo get articles on the scope of the effect of water level fluctuation on fish reproduction
Availability of the articleFully available open-access articlesComplete articles not availableArticle/publication requiring purchasing were unavailable to the author
Type of articlePeer-reviewed research journal articlesConference abstracts, unavailable book chapters, review papers, and bibliometric and meta-analysesInterested in available peer-reviewed empirical or original research
Country or location of the studyStudy areaNoneArticles from various countries and regions where studies on the effect of water level fluctuation on fish reproduction success were included