Review Article

Steam Condensation Heat Transfer in the Presence of Noncondensable Gases (NCGs) in Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs): A Comprehensive Review of Fundamentals, Current Status, and Prospects for Future Research

Table 1

A number of selected review papers on condensation phenomena.

RefFocus of study

[9]Discusses the examination of steam condensation and hydrogen combustion in NPPs, with a focus on experimental investigations of both separate effects and large-scale experiments.
[10]Provides a comprehensive examination of in-tube condensation, considering different tube positions (horizontal, vertical, and inclined) and enhancements like fins and inserts. While it offers valuable insights into condensation heat transfer, it solely focuses on the impact of these enhancements on the flow pattern of condensation, pressure drop, and void fraction and does not consider the potential effects of NCGs on the efficiency and safety of NPPs, particularly in terms of reactor containment physics.
[3]Investigates the specific physical processes that occur during the condensation phenomenon and evaluates how they have been integrated into various models. It covers the progress made in experimental, mechanistic, and model-based research regarding condensation in the presence of NCGs. The article includes all research papers on this topic up to 2009.
[11]Deals with a review analysis that utilizes flow mapping and compares its outcomes with CFD results. However, it is important to note that the impact of NCGs was not considered in this analysis.
[12]Covers the advancements in the study of condensation with NCGs through experimental, mechanistic, and modelling research. The central emphasis primarily revolves around tangible representations of thermal transmission during film condensation accompanied by NCGs, while concurrently providing a succinct overview about dropwise condensation.
[13]Reviews the attributes of heat transfer via external tube condensation, particularly within the framework of PCCS utilized in nuclear reactors.
[14]Focuses on small modular reactor systems, with the reference reactor geometries being more closely aligned with in-tube wall condensation for downward steam flow.
[15]Undertakes a meticulous and extensive examination of steam condensation amid NCGs during incidents at NPPs. The review underscores the in-depth scrutiny of the heat transfer procedure.
[16]Provides an in-depth review of the literature on condensation heat transfer within containment structures involving NCGs. This encompasses summarizing and categorizing prior research, condensation models, and a detailed examination of the factors influencing the condensation process.
[17]Addresses the behaviour of hydrogen within the containment during accident conditions and the corresponding advancements in research. This encompasses the distinctive characteristics of hydrogen behaviour, a compilation of key experiments and prediction methods related to hydrogen, and numerical simulations that consider various influencing factors and uncertainties.