Review Article

CFD Applications to Pressurized Thermal Shock-Related Phenomena

Table 1

Large-scale experimental facilities for PTS experimental projects.

ROCOM test facility (HZDR)TOPFLOW test facility (HZDR)UPTF (BMFT-KWU)LSTF (JAEA)

Scaling1 : 5 (since the loop volume is scaled to 1 : 125, the coolant transition time matches the actual reactor)1 : 251 : 11 : 48 in actual volume, 1 : 1 scale in actual height
Targeted reactorFour-loop KONVOI-type reactorEDF CPY 900 MWe PWRFour-loop 1300 MWe Siemens/KWU PWR1100 MW class Westinghouse-type PWR
Maximum pressureN/A7 MPa2.2 MPa15.7 MPa
Targeted phenomenaEffect of primary loop inventory and ECC water density differences on DC mixingTwo-phase flow behaviors in CL and DC during ECC injection and PTS event under small rupture LOCAMultidimensional two-phase flow effects, specifically in upper plenum, upper core region, and DCThermal–hydraulic phenomena during LOCA of PWR
ObjectivesSETaSETITb and SETIT and SET

aSeparate effects test. bIntegral test.