Research Article

A New Fast and Efficient MPPT Algorithm for Partially Shaded PV Systems Using a Hyperbolic Slime Mould Algorithm

Table 4

Overall comparison between the HSMA optimizer and other MPPT techniques.

MPPT algorithmTracking speedEfficiencyProbability of LMPP stagnation under PSCFluctuations around the operating pointFluctuations during the tracking phaseComputational complexityNumber of tuneable parameters

HSMAModerateHighLowLowLowModerate1 (convergence factor )
SMASlowHighModerateLowHighModerate2 (convergence factors )
PSOSlowHighModerateLowHighModerate3 ()
GWOSlowHighModerateLowHighModerate1 (convergence factor )
P&OFastLowHighHighVery LowLow1 (duty cycle perturbation)