Research Article

Potential Revenue from Reserve Market Participation in Wind Power- and Solar Power-Dominated Electricity Grids: The Near-Term, Mid-Term, and Long-Term

Table 7

For thermal power plants and hydropower plants, the table shows the factor of the rated capacity to which the production can be increased, from part-load or offline mode, for each technology and FR interval. For other reserve sources, the table shows the fraction of the available reserve power that can be used in each interval.

1–5 s5–30 s30 s–5 min5–15 min15–30 min30–60 min

Curtailed VRE111111
Energy storage
 Li-ion battery111111
Online thermal plants
Offline thermal plants
 CC GT000000
 OC GT000011

CCGT: combined-cycle gas turbine; OCGT: open cycle gas turbine; ST: steam turbine.