| Putative ecm fungi | Associated eucalypts | Countries | References |
| Amanita muscaria (L.) Hook | E. camaldulensis Dehnh. | MA | [1] | Amanita phalloides Fr.§ | Eucalyptus sp. | TZ | [2] | Amanita zambiana Pegler & Piearce | Eucalyptus sp. | EAf | [3] | Cantharellus densifolius Heinem. | E. grandis W. Hill ex Maiden | ZA | [4] | Cenococcum geophilum Fr. | E. camaldulensis | MA | [1] | Cenococcum geophilum Fr. : Fr. | E. gomphocephala DC. | MA | [1] | Chondrogaster pachysporus Maire | Eucalyptus sp. | NAf | [5] | Descomyces albus (Klotzsch) Bougher & Castellano | Eucalyptus sp. | CA, NAf | [5] | Hydnangium carneum Wallr. | E. globulus Labill. | CA | [6] | Hymenangium album Klotzsch | Eucalyptus sp. | CA, NAf | [5, 7] | Hypogeous fungus (not determined) | Eucalyptus (hybrid) | CG | [8] | Labyrinthomyces donkii Malençon | Eucalyptus sp. | MA | [7, 9] | Laccaria laccata (Scop.) Fr. | E. camaldulensis | MA | [1] | Laccaria lateritia Malençon§ | Eucalyptus sp. | ZR | [10] | Laccaria lateritia § | E. maideni F. Muell. | ZR | [11] | Laccaria lateritia § | E. globulus | CA | [6] | Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. | Eucalyptus sp. | MA | [12] | Paxillus involutus | E. camaldulensis | MA | [1] | Paxillus sp. | Eucalyptus (hybrid) | CG | [8] | Phlebopus sudanicus (Har. & Pat.) Heinem. | E. camaldulensis | SE | [13] | Phlebopus sudanicus | E. tereticornis Sm. | SE | [13] | Phylloporus sp. | Eucalyptus (hybrid) | CG | [8] | Pisolithus arhizus (Scop. : Pers.) Rausch* | Eucalyptus sp. | ZR | [14] | Pisolithus arhizus*
| E. camaldulensis | ZR | [11] | Pisolithus arhizus*
| E. umbellata Domin | ZR | [11] | Pisolithus arhizus*
| E. microcorys F. Muell. | ZR | [11] | Pisolithus arhizus*
| E. saligna Sm. | ZR | [11] | Pisolithus arhizus*
| E. urophylla S.T. Blake | CG | [15] | Pisolithus albus (Cooke & Massee) Priest | E. apodophylla Blakely & Jacobs | SE | [16] | Pisolithus albus | E. camaldulensis | BF | [13] | Pisolithus albus | E. camaldulensis | CI | [13] | Pisolithus albus | E. camaldulensis | MA | [13] | Pisolithus albus | E. camaldulensis | NG | [13] | Pisolithus albus | E. camaldulensis | SE | [16] | Pisolithus albus | E. camaldulensis | TH | [13] | Pisolithus albus | E. camaldulensis | TU | [13] | Pisolithus albus | E. gomphocephala | MA | [1] | Pisolithus albus | E. grandis | MA | [13] | Pisolithus albus | E. pantoleuca L.A.S. Johnson & K.D. Hill | SE | [16] | Pisolithus albus | E. robusta Sm. | SE | [16] | Pisolithus albus | Eucalyptus sp. | RW, BU | [17] | Pisolithus microcarpus (Cooke & Massee) G. Cunn. | E. camaldulensis | MA | [13] | Pisolithus microcarpus | E. grandis | MA | [13] | Pisolithus marmoratus (Berk.) E. Fisch. | E. alba Blume | CG | [13] | Pisolithus marmoratus | E. grandis | CG | [13] | Pisolithus marmoratus | E. pellita F. Muell. | CG | [13] | Pisolithus marmoratus | E. urophylla | CG | [13] | Pisolithus marmoratus | Eucalyptus (hybrid) | CG | [8] | Rhizopogon luteolus Fr.# | E. camaldulensis | ZR | [11] | Rhizopogon luteolus
# | E. microcorys | ZR | [11] | Rhizopogon luteolus
# | E. saligna | ZR | [11] | Rhizopogon luteolus
# | E. umbellata | ZR | [11] | Rhizopogon vulgaris (Vittad.) M. Lange# | E. globulus | CA | [6] | Russula sp. | E. camaldulensis | MA | [1] | Scleroderma albidum Pat. & Trabut** | Eucalyptus sp. | DZ, MA, CG, SAf | [5] | Scleroderma bovista Fr. | E. camaldulensis | MA | [1] | Scleroderma capensis Lloyd | E. camaldulensis | SE | [18] | Scleroderma capensis Lloyd | E. robusta | SE | [18] | Scleroderma cepa Pers.** | Eucalyptus sp. | RW BU | [17] | Scleroderma cepa**
| E. globulus | CA | [6] | Scleroderma citrinum Pers. | Eucalyptus sp. | RW, BU | [17] | Scleroderma flavidum Ellis & Everh. | Eucalyptus (hybrid) | CG | [8] | Scleroderma laeve Lloyd** | Eucalyptus sp. | SAf | [5] | Scleroderma polyrhizum (J.F. Gmel.) Pers.** | Eucalyptus sp. | CA | [5] | Scleroderma verrucosum (Bull.:Pers.) Pers.*** | E. camaldulensis | GU, SE | [19] | Scleroderma verrucosum***
| Eucalyptus sp. | GU | [18] | Scleroderma verrucosum***
| E. robusta | SE | [13] | Scleroderma sp. | Eucalyptus sp. | MW | [20] | Scleroderma sp. | Eucalyptus sp. | ZA | [20] | Scleroderma sp. | Eucalyptus sp. | ZW | [20] | Scleroderma sp. | Eucalyptus (hybrid) | CG | [8] | Thelephora sp. | Eucalyptus (hybrid) | CG | [8] | Tricholoma sp. | E. camaldulensis | MA | [1] |
Legend: Countries: DZ: Algeria, NAf: North Africa, EAf: East Africa, SAf: South Africa, BF: Burkina Faso, BU: Burundi, CA: Canary Islands, CG: Congo, ZR: Democratic Republic of Congo, CI: Cote d’Ivoire, GU: Guinea, MA: Morocco, MW: Malawi, NG: Niger, SE: Senegal, RW: Rwanda, TZ: Tanzania, TH: Chad, TU: Tunisia, ZA: Zambia, and ZW: Zimbabwe. References: 1: [21, 22], 2: [23], 3: [24], 4: [25], 5: [26], 6: [27], 7: [28], 8: [29], 9: [30], 10: [31], 11: [32], 12: [33], 13: [34, 35], 14: [36], 15: [37], 16: [38], 17: [39], 18: [40], 19: [17], and 20: Authors’ personal observations.
Pisolithus arhizus is a temperate European species described from acidic soils and associated with trees like Quercus, betulus, or pinus. Its presence in Africa associated with introduced Australian species is unlikely. Our assumption is that the specific epithet “arhizus” is erroneous.
**The systematic of Scleroderma are complex and the erroneous use of specific epithets in the identification of this species has to be kept in mind.
***In the absence of any indication on the subspecies, the possibilities of synonymy with other species are multiple.
#Rhizopogon is a genus mostly associated with pines and some temperate deciduous trees. A poor mycorrhizal colonization of eucalypt roots by these Rhizopogon can be considered; indeed Rhizopogon spp. differed markedly in their ability to form ectomycorrhizas according to their taxonomical section and host plant [41]. §The presence of these temperate taxa in tropical countries has to be carefully considered; confusion with local tropical taxa might be possible.