Research Article

Distribution and Regeneration Status of Albizia gummifera and Prunus africana along Agroecology in Agroforestry: The Case of Gombora District, Southern Ethiopia

Table 4

Mean density (stems per hectare (ha)) of Prunus africana across the three agroforestry practices and farmers’ wealth groups.

AgroecologyKebeleNAgroforestry practicesNumber of stems (ha)Wealth groupsNumber of stem (ha)

MidlandGorta27Enset tree-based4.63b±2.32Rich11.11c±3.85
27Live fencing1.85a±1.28Medium5.56b±2.77
81Overall mean5.86±1.65Overall mean5.86±1.66

LowlandAdeana27Enset tree-based4.63b±2.32Rich19.44c±4.69
27Live fencing1.85a±1.28Medium12.04b±3.86
81Overall mean11.11±2.24Overall mean11.11±2.24

Different superscript letters within column indicate significant difference at .