Research Article

Response Surface Approach to Optimize the Conditions of Foam Mat Drying of Plum in relation to the Physical-Chemical and Antioxidant Properties of Plum Powder

Table 6

Regression coefficients, the coefficient of determination (), and lack of fit values for the second-order fitted models corresponding responses, TPC (GAE/g), TFC (mg/100 g), beta carotene (μg/100 g), and DPPH (%) with albumin (%) and time (min).

ConstantsPredicted TPCPredicted TFCPredicted beta carotenePredicted DPPH

Intercept 25.054105.543810.710.0730
Egg albumin 0.757651.47487.800.0077
Whipping time 0.4510244.103322.910.0097
Egg albumin 14.856.402.370.0089
Whipping time 6.150.24070.60570.0094
Egg time 6.283809.984.130.0262
Coefficient of determination ()0.98760.96150.95620.9786
value of lack of fit test0.62350.63550.45440.2716