Research Article

Nutritional, Physicochemical, and Organoleptic Properties of Camel Meat Burger Incorporating Unpollinated Barhi Date Fruit Pulp

Table 7

Instrumental color characteristics of uncooked and roasted camel meat burger as affected by replacing fat with different levels (%) of UBDF pulp.

Burger samplesUncooked camel meat burgerRoasted camel meat burger


Camel meat burgers partially substituted with UBDF pulp as a fat replacer, value is a measure of lightness ranging from 0 (black) to 100 (white), value ranges from -100 (greenness) to +100 (redness), and value ranges from -100 (blueness) to +100 (yellowness). a,b,cNo significant difference () between any two means within the same column with the same superscripted letters.