Research Article

New Information of the Anatomy and Phytochemical Screening of Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze (Caesalpinioideae-Leguminosae) Seeds

Table 2

Results of histochemical tests performed on Pentaclethra macroloba seeds.

ReagentSeed structure
MetabolitesIntegumentCotyledon mesophyllEmbryonic axisSecretory cavitiesIdioblasts

Iron chloridePhenolics compounds+++++
Ruthenium redPectin+++--
Hydrochloric acidCalcium oxalate crystalsnn+n+
Acid phloroglucinolLignins+nnnn
Nile blue AAcid lipids+++-+
Sudan III Sudan blackTotal lipids+++++
Toluidine blueAcidic mucilage+++-+
PASNeutral polysaccharides+++--
Xylidine ponceauTotal proteins+++--
Vanillin-hydrochloric acidTannin+---+

Note: n: not applied; +: positive reaction; -; negative reaction.