Research Article

Dietary Practices and Nutrient Intake of Internally Displaced School Children in the West Region of Cameroon

Table 3

Weekly frequency of consumption of various food groups.

Food groupsTotal consumptionFrequency of consumption

Legumes and nuts78.2%2.9%48.5%22.3%1.2%6.0%
Roots and tubers60.4%35%36.9%17%3.5%7.6%
Animal products42.3%57.3%21%12.7%6%3%
Fats, oil, and sugars100%0%0%0%0%100%

The percentages given under “total consumption” are the percentages of children who consumed each food group within seven days, and the figures under the “frequency of consumption” indicate the percentage of children that consumed a particular food group and the respective number of times each food group was eaten in a week.